Saturday, April 28, 2007

Not Quite as I Planned

A quiet Friday night, follow by a leisure and peacful Saturday morning. You know the kind where your brain wakes up slowly and then you realize hey, I don't have to get up. Well, that was what I was expecting my morning to be like. Instead, my phone rings at 6:20am, and I get that dreaded "come get your children" phone call we all pray never comes when we send them off to the grandparents house. Jaxon's small voice was there on the line when I picked up the phone. "Mommy, Mason has thrown up 10 or 11 times. He wants you." You almost think it's a dream, because, c'mon IT'S 6:30 AM ON SATURDAY! But no, Grandma gets on the phone to explain Mason has been up since 5am, barfing his little guts out. Poor thing! So I through on some flip flops, grabbed a barf bucket, and head over to pick him up. When I walked in the door I heard him say, "Is that my Mommy?" Yes, baby, Mommy's here to make it all better. So we head home, as he throws up like such a big boy. He makes the bucket everytime. He wants to play his video game when we get home. Who am I to say what will make him feel better? So I climb up on the top bunk with him and watch him as he plays Star Wars for 30 seconds, then lays down, plays for 30 seconds, and then lays down. I asked him is he wanted to go lay down and he said yes. That's the true sign they are sick, when they want to lay down rather than play. So off to the couch we went. I popped in a DVD (yet another of my #1 mom moves of the morning) and we cuddled up. He threw up 2 more times before he passed out. He took a nice long snooze for 2 hours. When he woke up he was a whole new kid. He sipped on juice and even had some crackers. I played it safe and gave him soup for lunch. Yikes, not quite the Saturday I had planned!