Saturday, April 28, 2007
Not Quite as I Planned
A quiet Friday night, follow by a leisure and peacful Saturday morning. You know the kind where your brain wakes up slowly and then you realize hey, I don't have to get up. Well, that was what I was expecting my morning to be like. Instead, my phone rings at 6:20am, and I get that dreaded "come get your children" phone call we all pray never comes when we send them off to the grandparents house. Jaxon's small voice was there on the line when I picked up the phone. "Mommy, Mason has thrown up 10 or 11 times. He wants you." You almost think it's a dream, because, c'mon IT'S 6:30 AM ON SATURDAY! But no, Grandma gets on the phone to explain Mason has been up since 5am, barfing his little guts out. Poor thing! So I through on some flip flops, grabbed a barf bucket, and head over to pick him up. When I walked in the door I heard him say, "Is that my Mommy?" Yes, baby, Mommy's here to make it all better. So we head home, as he throws up like such a big boy. He makes the bucket everytime. He wants to play his video game when we get home. Who am I to say what will make him feel better? So I climb up on the top bunk with him and watch him as he plays Star Wars for 30 seconds, then lays down, plays for 30 seconds, and then lays down. I asked him is he wanted to go lay down and he said yes. That's the true sign they are sick, when they want to lay down rather than play. So off to the couch we went. I popped in a DVD (yet another of my #1 mom moves of the morning) and we cuddled up. He threw up 2 more times before he passed out. He took a nice long snooze for 2 hours. When he woke up he was a whole new kid. He sipped on juice and even had some crackers. I played it safe and gave him soup for lunch. Yikes, not quite the Saturday I had planned!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Kid Free Friday
Well, the kids have gone to spend the night at my mom's house. So it's mini-vacation for me. Unfortunately, the only thing I have done is go out to dinner and sit on the couch and browse on my computer. What happened to the days when a child-free night meant so much more? Now all I look forward to is sleeping through the night without any little boys kicking me in the head and waking up after the sun comes up. The little things thrill me. Happy weekend!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Top Ten Tuesday
Top 10 Things I love:
10. Caffeine
9. Listening to Mason talk about Preschool.
8. Blogs
7. Scrapbooking
6. Reading Jaxon's writing.
5. Flip Flops
4. The Ocean
3. The Sun
2. Cuddling up with the boys.
1. Eating!!!!
10. Caffeine
9. Listening to Mason talk about Preschool.
8. Blogs
7. Scrapbooking
6. Reading Jaxon's writing.
5. Flip Flops
4. The Ocean
3. The Sun
2. Cuddling up with the boys.
1. Eating!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
My Guys
Just found this photo from Spring Break. It shows their true personalities. Jaxon is trying to be so tough, but can't hold back his smile. He has a tender heart. Mason is a tiger. He'd tear you to peices with one bite. Being 3 makes you tough.

Magical Monday
All seemed to fall into place in the world today. I made a huge decision as far as work is concerned. I've decided to stick with Literacy Coaching next year. I'm excited to continue this new adventure that I started. Shawn made dinner tonight and the kids are off playing Ninjas in the bedroom. Not bad for a Monday.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
We just returned fromj Monterey. We left Friday after work and arrived shortly before bedtime. We had a blast, but are glad to be home. We hit the rocks early Saturday morning for some Crab Hunting. We love to climb all over the rocks and look for the crabs to come out between the cracks. Mason did really well climbing. Usually we have to carry him most of the way. What a big boy! Jaxon is a pro and climbed to the highest point as quick as can be. After the rocks, we headed over to Cannery Row where we had lunch at the Plaza. I had a delicious Sea Bass sandwich, Shawn had Fish and Chips, and Jaxon had Clam Chowder. Mason went safe with Peanut Butter and Jelly. After lunch we walked and shopped more at Cannery Row. I even got a new pair of Sunglasses. I love them! The boys (and Mommy) were getting crabby so we went back to the hotel for a nap. We braved the sprinkles and went to Dennis the Menace Park and then to Fisherman's Wharf. We found a new favorite restaurant near Cannery Row for dinner. We tried the smoked choke as an appetizer. It was a Gouda stuffed artichoke with jalapeno butter. Oh My God was it yummy! I had swordfish for dinner. The boys (all 3 ) had ribs which were super spicy!
On Sunday we hung out at the Aquarium for hours. We just love it there. We left for home after eating lunch at Sly McFly's Saloon. So now we're home and the boys are in the bath and fighting over toys. Guess all is back to normal.
On Sunday we hung out at the Aquarium for hours. We just love it there. We left for home after eating lunch at Sly McFly's Saloon. So now we're home and the boys are in the bath and fighting over toys. Guess all is back to normal.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Our new nightly routine has become making smoothies. Here is what we have learned about these home made treats:
1. You always have to include a banana. It mellows out the fruit without having to add sugar.
2. Yogurt is a must!
3. Our favorite fruit is mangos.
4. Frozen fruit is delicious but needs to be defrosted a bit or it freezes everything and the blender hates it!
So there you have it. Smoothies have become our new favorite dessert. More fruit, less chocolate. What is this world coming to???
1. You always have to include a banana. It mellows out the fruit without having to add sugar.
2. Yogurt is a must!
3. Our favorite fruit is mangos.
4. Frozen fruit is delicious but needs to be defrosted a bit or it freezes everything and the blender hates it!
So there you have it. Smoothies have become our new favorite dessert. More fruit, less chocolate. What is this world coming to???
Monday, April 16, 2007
Under the Weather
Still have a bit of a bug, so I stayed home from work today. Jaxon and Mason both went to school, then to daycare. It was nice to lay around and rest. Hopefully I'll be better tomorrow. Jaxon was super cute when he came home from school today. He made his own snack (popcorn) and sat down to do his homework as soon as he walked in the door. He helped me make smoothies after dinner too. Boy is he growing up! Speaking of growing up...Mason brought home the Riddle Box from preschool today. He has to bring something that starts with G and give three clues to the class. They have to try to guess. Let's see if you can figure it out.
1. It's round.
2. You chew it.
3. You can make bubbles with it.
Any guesses???
1. It's round.
2. You chew it.
3. You can make bubbles with it.
Any guesses???
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Farewell to Spring Break
Back to work tomorrow. I decided to take today off completely. I haven't left the house all day and quite frankly I haven't left my bed much either. I did get up early with the kids and we cuddled up to watch cartoons together. After breakfast though, I headed straight back to bed and slept. Got up for lunch, popped in a DVD and watched it in bed. Shawn took the boys to lunch and the park, so I was able to watch the movie from start to finish. What a luxury! I watched Running with Scissors which was bizarre and interesting. I though it was going to be funnier, but it was a good flick none the less. Gotta get my head back into the work zone. I better pull out my stuff and prepare for a lesson I'm teaching in 2nd grade tomorrow. Only 9 weeks 'til summer break!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Been Scrappin'

Well I've had two scrapalicious days! My scrapmate Marissa and I went to the big scrapbook store in Tracy. It used to be an old JCPenney store. We were in there for 2 hours! I founds lots of fun new alpha stickers and some new paper (but could have bought the whole dang store). Yesterday we scrapped at It's Scrapbook Time. We got there at noon and cropped until midnight. Die hards~! I set a new record of 9 pages in one day. Yes, that's a lot for me. I'm so slow!!! But I'm proud to say that I have finished Christmas '06 so that's an accomplishment. Now on to Jaxon's last two birthdays. Hee Hee!
Today we'll be hanging out at my mom's on this raining Saturday. Auntie Jo heads back to Hawaii (poor thing) tomorrow so we need to soak up as much of her as we can today. She's the best! That's us together in the picture. It's from Easter Sunday. Isn't she cute!!!
Make it a great day!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wacky Wednesday
I'm out of sorts today, a bit crankier than usual. Could be a result of the rain, the fact that I've been working out for 5 weeks and haven't lost a pound, I've been home with my kids for 6 days, I think I'm getting a cold, or a combination of them all. Who knows! I'll get through it, life just get to be a bit much sometimes. Anyways, Mason just ended week number 2 at preschool. He seems to be very happy there. I think it makes him feel like such a big boy. Today was his snack day AND he brought the share bag. Big day for Mason! Jaxon is a tad addicted to the computer these days. Seems to be following in the footsteps of his daddy. I'm looking forward to scrapbooking on Friday with Marissa. Can't wait!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Top Ten Tuesday
Top 10 Reasons I LOVE Spring Break
10. When I get back from the gym at 6:00am, I get to leisurly sip coffee and hang out on the computer while my kids sleep.
9. Cuddle time in bed when the kids wake up.
8. Time to make an actual breakfast rather than grabbing a granola bar or waffles for the car.
7. I get to take and pick up Mason from Preschool. I love seeing his face light up when he goes to his own school. I also love the way he runs to me when it's time to go home.
6. No time schedule!!! Other than taking Mason to school, we just go with the flow baby!
5. Afternoon naps-Don't call my house around 2:00pm, I'll be "resting".
4. Time to scrapbook!
3. Spending time with my boys. We have been having a blast playing toys, popping bubbles out back, making art projects, listening to music, and laughing out loud! This is definitely rejuvenating!
2. Sunshine! We've been enjoying having the doors and windows open and getting out in the awesome weather. Too bad I see rain in the forecast. Ugh!
1. No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks (literally). I Love not thinking about work!!! As Mason would say....Yahoo!
10. When I get back from the gym at 6:00am, I get to leisurly sip coffee and hang out on the computer while my kids sleep.
9. Cuddle time in bed when the kids wake up.
8. Time to make an actual breakfast rather than grabbing a granola bar or waffles for the car.
7. I get to take and pick up Mason from Preschool. I love seeing his face light up when he goes to his own school. I also love the way he runs to me when it's time to go home.
6. No time schedule!!! Other than taking Mason to school, we just go with the flow baby!
5. Afternoon naps-Don't call my house around 2:00pm, I'll be "resting".
4. Time to scrapbook!
3. Spending time with my boys. We have been having a blast playing toys, popping bubbles out back, making art projects, listening to music, and laughing out loud! This is definitely rejuvenating!
2. Sunshine! We've been enjoying having the doors and windows open and getting out in the awesome weather. Too bad I see rain in the forecast. Ugh!
1. No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks (literally). I Love not thinking about work!!! As Mason would say....Yahoo!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Easter Wrap Up
We made it through another holiday, and this time it was at our house. The Easter Bunny left baskets full of goodies for the boys and some eggs full of dimes! Man is he good! My in-laws came over late morning to bring basket #2 to Jaxon and Mason. They were soccer theme baskets, including a new soccer ball for each of them. My mom's side of the family arrived at noon for the festivities. I had a bit of timing trouble with the meal, and we didn't quite eat until much later than expected. Therefore, we didn't end up making it to my dad's for dinner. I was bummed about that, but couldn't quite push everyone out the door in order to leave. We spent a beautiful sunny CA day with our visiting relatives (Aunti Jo from Hawaii and Jim's mom Judy from Connecticut). Our tortoises even came out to romp about the yard. They were very social!
Needless to say, Easter was terrific. The boys racked up, as always, with a total of 4 Easter baskets and gobs of eggs (plastic and real). We all spent time with our loved ones and created a another memory to last forever. Maybe I'll scrapbook it sometime this year. I'm only about 5 months behind, if you don't count the entire year of 2003, which I'll get to eventually.
Needless to say, Easter was terrific. The boys racked up, as always, with a total of 4 Easter baskets and gobs of eggs (plastic and real). We all spent time with our loved ones and created a another memory to last forever. Maybe I'll scrapbook it sometime this year. I'm only about 5 months behind, if you don't count the entire year of 2003, which I'll get to eventually.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Busy at Home
Yesterday I spent a blissful day buzzing around the house. I cleared off all of the clutter in the kitchen (which is where everything seems to end up during the week) and did 3 loads of laundry. We were also busy with Easter projects. We frosted easter bunny cookies, made paper easter eggs, and dyed the most colorful eggs you've ever seen (we also ended up with colorful fingers).
Today is Easter and we've already had a visit from the bunny who left baskets full of goodies and eggs full of dimes out back. Man is he good! I'm off to get the house ready for company. I'm cooking for my mom, Jim, Marian, Grandma Judy, Auntie Jo, Michelle & Geoff, and my family. We'll head over to Dad's house for dinner and another easter egg hunt. It's too bad my boys have such a boring life! Ha Ha! Never a dull moment around her.
Have a fantastic Easter Sunday!
Today is Easter and we've already had a visit from the bunny who left baskets full of goodies and eggs full of dimes out back. Man is he good! I'm off to get the house ready for company. I'm cooking for my mom, Jim, Marian, Grandma Judy, Auntie Jo, Michelle & Geoff, and my family. We'll head over to Dad's house for dinner and another easter egg hunt. It's too bad my boys have such a boring life! Ha Ha! Never a dull moment around her.
Have a fantastic Easter Sunday!
Friday, April 6, 2007
First Day of Vacation
Although I still got up at 5:00am to go work out at the gym, I had an amazing first day off. I finished running errands for Easter, which will be at our house. My Auntie Jo arrived last night from Hawaii, so the boys and I headed over to my mom's house to visit. We played outside on the trampoline all afternoon. I even snuck in a nap while Mason slept. I'd say that it was a nice start to our Spring Break!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Tryin' Something New

Well I guess it's time to join the club and try this blog-thing. My purpose is to keep my family and friends up to date on our crazy little corner of the world. So get ready for my rambling and my excessive pictures, because HERE THEY COME!
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