Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 Projects

This is an album where you document each and every day of your year. You take one photo, and journal your thoughts about it, for each day. I'm going to take this one day, week, month at a time. My plan is to teach myself to take in and enjoy all the little things in life, because these are what make up the best moments in life. This project is a monthly layout project. I have chosen one word to focus on this year. I will create one layout a month that is inspired by this word. My word is perspective. Life is not always full of happiness. However, how you view things can make all the difference in the world. I want to live in the moment, soak in all that life has to offer, learn from the hard times, and grow as a person. My perspective is the only thing I have control of, and it can make or break me.

This year I will experience life and reflect on things through scrapbooking. It gives me such joy and peace. This year I will let it heal me and make me a better person.

Science Night

The boys got science kits for Christmas. They have been begging to dig into them and last night was the night. I quickly realized why I don't teach science, when my patience ran out in 2 minutes. Luckily, Meric jumped in and sent me away to scrapbook while the madness ensued. He also took pictures of the boys while they measured, stirred, and poured their way to making Glow Dough. I love the look of concentration he captured on Mason and the mad scientist laugh on Jaxon. I did however make an appearance at the end to check out what they created and of course, to clean up the giant mess. I guess that's what mom's are for.

Mason didn't have enough science with the glow dough, so he also busted out his Snow Making kit and created a snowman. It even had coal eyes and a carrot nose. He worked hard on this little guy!

Time to Scrap Christmas

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Someone's Been Busy

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Next Chapter

I made a decision six months ago that changed so many lives. Sometime I will share that story. But for now, all I know is that I am the happiest I've ever been in my life. I have people in my life that make me smile everyday. I have my health, a job, a place to live, and amazing children. I have met the love of my life and I look forward to this new beginning more than words can say. And for now, that's all I need.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Spending time at the beach always seems to lighten my mood and help me reflect on life. The world recently lost one of the best people I have ever known. She taught me about strength and courage, how to be a little more green, and reminded me to love my family a whole lot more. She embraced life and lived every moment. She complained very little and fought til the very end. She taught from the heart and believed in the good in everyone. She spoke her mind and never backed down from a challenge. She will continue to inspire me to be a better mother, wife, teacher, and friend. I will carry her in my heart and think of her with a smile. I love you and will miss you Nancy. Thank you for being my friend.

On the Rocks

Sea anemones
We found a baby star fish this time!

They love to get super close to the water.

We saw so many star fish today. Mason loved it because he is studying the ocean in 1st grade!


We convinced Shawn to let us eat at Bubba Gumps. We all had yummy lunches...even Shawn who doesn't really like seafood.
The Aquariaum is a must-do for our family. I have been taking pictures of the boys in this clam for 10 years now!

Climbing on the rocks and looking for sea life is a Culcasi tradition.

This trip included a trip to the Carmel Mission.

Mission Accomplished

We had so much fun as a family helping Jaxon with his 4th grade mission project. He had to complete a written report and he chose to make a model of his mission. Daddy helped with the mission and I helped with the report, but Jaxon did most of it himself. I loved watching him take the project seriously and soaking up all he could about the mission. We are all glad he chose the mission in Carmel, so we could go visit!

Mother's Day

Spending time with my boys.

I spent Mother's Day with some of my favorite people. Such a great weekend.

Littlest Student

The recent budget cuts have caused us to start the kids super young these days so they don't get too far behind. LOL. Caiden and Gramma stopped by to pick up the boys and hung out in my classroom for a bit.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break Day 5

I scrapbooked all day with my friends Marissa and Cheryl. We laughed til we cried and I got lots of pages done. Perfect day! Shawn took the boys to Micke's Grove with The Tompkins.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Break Day 4

Nothing. That's what I did today. A whole day of nothing. I stayed in bed, read 2 books, and took a 3 hour nap. It was much needed after i stayed up til 2am finishing my Sand Diego mini book.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring Break Day 3 - Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny didn't miss our house. He filled the baskets and hid lots of eggs. Too bad the kids woke up at 6:45am to do it!
We make the big kids work for the eggs.

First stop...Gramma's House

Caiden plays bubbles with the big boys.

2nd stop...Papa's house. Mason and Max are buds.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Break Day 2

Getting ready to scrapbook all day At ScrapDiva! Hopefully I have lots of layouts to share by the end of the night. Ha Ha! Ok, my goal is 5 layouts. We will see what happens.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break Day 1

Off to a great start! Although my internal alarm clock woke me up at 6:30am, I fell back asleep until 9:20. I grabbed some coffee, checked my computer must-sees (Twitter, Facebook, Perez), then read a little bit on my Nook. Then we headed off to lunch at Red Robin and to see Clash of the Titans. The movie did not disappoint, even for Mommy. Quick stop to Scrap Diva to sign up for a crop, grocery store, then home to dye eggs. Tortellini for dinner and an evening to hang out on the coach. Perfect start to the next 10 days! As my dad would say, Life is good.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Month in Review

So proud!
At the awards assembly, Jaxon received a certificate for GATE, the Spelling Bee, Honor Roll and a Reading Award. Wow! He sure works hard at it!

GATE Tournament. Jaxon was a green alien in his skit.

Shawn and I went to Teatro ZinZanni for Valentine's Day.

Guitar Hero Tournament at school. Rock on!

Jason participated in the 4th/5th grade Spelling Bee.

We went to see a Stockton Thunder game with friends from DVE.

Shawn and I went to Vegas baby! Way too much fun!