Sunday, February 22, 2009

He's Got Ink

There is no question that we are a tattoo family. Shawn and I both have them. But now the little guy is getting in on the action. He came home from Gramma's with tattoos (all self drawn) on both legs, both hands, and on his tummy. Those on his hands are robots, and the one on his stomach "is my naked brother". I can't help but wonder if it was inspired by his Auntie Shell's recently pregnant belly!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Telling Stories

When Mason first started Kindergarten, we would ask him how his day was and for several days he would tell us that the class went to the pumpkin patch. I can't remember if this was before or after they actually DID go to the pumpkin patch. But basically, by his accounts, his class had been there around 12 times. He would also make up birthday parties that he had gone to that day. We chalked it up to a big imagination and it eventually went away. Well guess what? The stories are back! The other night at dinner Mason shared with us this story:

Mason: I took a driving test.

Me: Really? How did you get there?

Mason: Mrs. Cappa took the class to take the test.

Me: What else did you guys do?

Mason: Then they went to the pumpkin patch.

Me: How many pumpkins have you had from that pumpkin patch?

Mason: About 10

Me: What have you done with all of those pumpkins?

Mason: I ate all the seeds out.

Me: I can't wait to ask Mrs. Cappa about that tomorrow.

Mason: Well, I have some bad news. She passed away.

Me: What?

Mason: You can't talk to her becase she is in the hospital.

Me: What happened to her?

Mason: She passed away. (clearly doesn't get the concept)

Me: Oh my gosh, that is so sad. I should go visit her in the hospital.

Mason: ok, Mommy, I was just pretending.

That guy is a character!!! I can't wait to hear what he comes up with next.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine cookies are so much fun! Mason decorated one and then went straight to eating them!

Look who shared his love with his auntie on Valentine's Day! Little Caiden Michael is such a love nugget!

Mason was all about Valentine's Day this year. He was eager to wake us up by whispering "Happy Valentimes Day" over and over until Mommy got out of bed to join him. His next mission was to make breakfast in bed for Daddy. He informed me that I had toast in bed last time, so it was Daddy's turn. He helped me mix and flip the pancakes, make a cup of coffee just the right shade of brown, and he washed and cut the strawberries. He was so proud to bring it to Daddy. He is our little love bug!!!

This was the card Mason made for his Kindergarten teacher. If you look carefully, he spelled out Happy Valentines day.

Berkeley was a Bust

On Valentine's Day we headed over to Berkeley to have our wedding bands tattoos done at Galaxies. We arrived in the afternoon, went over to the tat parlour and they informed us the only person who was up for doing rings was booked for the while night. So, we traipsed up and down Telegraph in the rain to inquire at two more shops. No luck! So we headed to a quiant Mexican restaurant and had a yummy dinner, followed by a delicious carmel latte at Peets. Good conversation and a fun time were had by both of us.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's A Boy!

Michelle and Geoff welcomed their first baby yesterday morning! Say hello to Caiden Michael Dean, who was born on February 6, 2009 at 8:16am. We have been awaiting his arrival for a long time! Oh boy, there's nothing like a baby in the family!!!