ok, these were taken last week but it pretty much sums up our days for the past week. We have been swimming at my mom's house every day this week. Mason is finally out of his water wings and swims around the perimeter of the pool, close to the wall for security. He is so proud to swim in the deep end. Give us a few more days and he'll be going across the pool. He has to do it on his own. Any time I ask if he wants to try something he says no. Then 10 minutes later he'll try it when he thinks no one is paying attention. Just like a man...has to think it's HIS idea!
My mommy of the year award didn't arrive yet. However I do feel redeemed by the fact that we have been outdoors every single afternoon for hours AND I finally ordered Jaxon's sparring gear for Karate. It's $125 so I was holding out. That's some serious scrapbook money!!! So next Thursday, he spars. I'll post photos. I'm sure it'll be a hoot!
Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!
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