Yesterday was National Scrapbook Day. Marissa and I usually participate in some sort of crop this weekend, but time got the best of us (plus the fee is now $60 at our regular hangout) and we missed it this year. So I woke up yesterday and declared it a National Holiday in my house. I sat at my table, logged onto CreativeKeepsakes.com and did my very first on-line crop. I am proud to say that I completed 3 out of 4 of the challenges. I didn't do the last one because I didn't care for the topic. Oh well, 3 layouts is pretty darn good on a Saturday morning with two kids and a husband at home. So here it was I came up with...the layout challenges were 1) EveryDay Beauty; 2) Use a Beautiful scrapbook supply; and 3) I am Beautiful (the hardest one). Wish I could upload my layouts better. I'll have to work on that. It was fun and has inspired me to start that All About Me scrapbook and also to remember to scrap the everyday things in life as well. Ali Edwards is my scrapbook hero.
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