School ended at 11:50am today and the boys and I walked out at 1:00pm! That is a new record for me. I would normally take advantage of the quiet time and the extra hours on an early release day...but I was out of there today! It has been quite a hectic week in 1st grade and I am so happy to be off! So, what does a tired teacher do on the Friday before Christmas? Go out to lunch and come home to take a nap! Marissa and I took the kids to Chicago Uno for a long lunch and then I came home and curled up on my bed and slept for an hour. It felt so nice!
Now I can move on to Christmas! Our tree has been up, but it looks pretty empty underneath! So I may wrap some gifts tonight. Or I may curl up on the couch and catch up on some reading. Either way, I am looking forward to two weeks off and spending many memorable moments with my kids.
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