How to eat a smore.

Wish my feet were here right now.

I'm pretty sure Cancun doesn't look like this right now, with the hurricane and all, but it'll always look like this to me.

Cheesy grin you just gotta love!!!
I can't possibly believe that it's been over two weeks since I've posted. Thes have probably been the most layed back of the whole summer, so I guess I just have to blame it on laziness. Mason is still in Preschool two days a week. Between both boys we have soccer four nights a week and karate twice a week, plus 2 soccer games each Saturday. So I guess we have been busy. I went back to work yesterday. I'm trying to plan, prepare and organize some things for the beginning of the year. I am doing 1 and a half Staff Development says between my two schools. I have a love/hate relationship with presenting to my teachers. I love doing them, but hate preparing for them. Yet, somehow I love preparing for them as well. I am utterly confusing, I know.
I haven't posted pictures in a while, but here are some of my favorites from the past.
post more stuff! and text me back!!
Nicole Michele Culcasi! Post more stuff, I haven't checked this things as much just because I want to hear from you!
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