Holy canole, it's been a week since I blogged. A lot has happened since last Tuesday. Shawn and I celebrated our 10th anniversary in true Culcasi style...we went out to dinner with the kids. We stuffed our faces with fattening, delicious italian food at Johnny Carino's. Then we treated ourselves to a midweek Starbucks. Ooh La la, we are living on the edge here in Oakley! Friday night we went to DVE's end of the year party. I drank mucho Tequila and had a blast. Not too crazy about the photos I've seen of me, but those can be shredded at a moments notice. Saturday, we picked up Nana and Papa's dog, Tiffany, who we babysat for 2 days. Can you say carpet cleaner??? Oh my, not sure I'm ready to clean dog crap on a regular basis! However, Mason is in love with her and I know I need to get my boys a little doggy of their own! We also braved the County Fair on Saturday afternoon. We actually had a terrific time and we didn't see too many scary people. I'll post pictures another time, gotta head to bed. It's been a long week and it's only Tuesday, if ya know what I mean! 7 more days of school and 19 days til Mexico. O-ley!